Friday, November 19, 2010

Service Learning Activism Log, Entry Six.

1) On Wednesday, to make up for my apparent lack of hours across the board, I did about two hours of work, tabling for VOX. Another member and I were tasked with setting up the table because we arrived around ten, and then spent another hour or so passing out brochures focusing on men's health and free condoms. Today, I spent another two hours with Anjella, cleaning out the Women's Studies office storage room and shredding miscellaneous papers in the English department office because the little shredder in WST overheated after ten minutes of use (you should really get on that :D). Jacqueline from NOW and VOX invited me to the Love Your Body Week Fashion Show that is being held tonight and promised hours for attendance, so I'll be doing that later as well. After that, I'll be done with this class for the semester.

2) VOX's mission to assist in preventative measures for sexual health has never been as relevant as during Men's Health Week. When passing out brochures, reactions were varied, and I think most men were more receptive to the condoms because the contemplation of one's own mortality is a heavy task for most college students. Testicular cancer is not a bright concept with which to come to terms. However, we ran out of an entire freezer bag full of condoms in an hour because though we were surrounded by many religious groups (LDS representatives and the requisite town crier of damnation), at least half of the passersby were receptive to our mission. I assumed that any rejection of the offer was either out of embarrassment, a general belief that one did not need the help, or disagreement with the mission itself, but as my partner, Megan, pointed out, they're good for three years, and abstinence isn't a panacea to all possible issues, as it is rarely carried out with absolute success. Preventative action on behalf of everyone will engender a much more healthy society, as "sexually transmitted infections affect some 19 million people each year, almost half of them aged 15-24" (Kirk and Okazawa-Rey 215).

3) The recent service learning hours problems have put into perspective how desperately I need to learn to manage my time. This semester has been chaotic and I've generally handled it very well, but I could do better, clearly. I simply did not anticipate that sixty hours, when depending on so many people for opportunities which may or may not exist, would be so difficult. At this point, though, I have it under control and I feel very productive even just doing manual labor in the office, as I love this department so much and I know it doesn't always receive enough attention.

Works Cited

Kirk, Gwyn, and Okazawa-Rey, Margo. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.

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